铜或青铜铸造,表面鎏金、可移动的单尊或组合式佛造像,俗称“鎏金铜佛像”。这类佛像的生产,当初是供宫廷、寺庙等所使用的;它的出现始于东汉,究竟什么是金铜佛像? 行于隋唐,延续至清末民初。如今,金铜佛像仍然被亚洲广大地区的信佛人士所供奉,同时亦为收藏家所珍藏。 
Copper or bronze statue, single or combination of Buddha statues, gold surface movement, commonly known as the "gilded copper buddha". The production of this kind of Buddha was originally used for the palace, the temple and so on; its appearance began in the Eastern Han Dynasty. What is the golden bronze Buddha? In Sui and Tang Dynasties, continued until the end of Qing Dynasty. Today, gold copper Buddha is still vast areas of the Asian members of the Buddhist honors, but also for collectors collection. 
2005年,鎏金佛像市场再续辉煌。香港佳士得秋季拍卖会上,一件元代鎏金铜道教灵宝天尊坐像成交价为95.4万元。中国嘉德秋钢制闸门 钢坝 保定轻钢别墅 保定平面设计培训 保定室内设计培训 保定办公家具 保定空调维修 拍佛像拍卖专场中,一件明宣德铜鎏金金刚萨的成交价格为209万元,另一件明代铜鎏金观音菩萨以132万元成交。
In 2005, gold Buddha market zaixuhuihuang. Christie's Hongkong autumn auction, a Yuan Dynasty gilt bronze statue of Taoist Lingbao Tianzun transaction price of 954 thousand yuan. Chinese Guardian autumn auction auction price of Buddha, a Ming Xuande copper gilt Vajrasattva is 2 million 90 thousand yuan, a Ming copper gilt Avalokiteshvara to 1 million 320 thousand yuan turnover.


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