City sculpture is mainly used for city decoration and beautification. Its appearance increases the urban landscape and enriches the spiritual enjoyment of urban residents. As an integral part of the city, urban sculpture is generally built in the public places of the city, which can exist alone and be combined with buildings. Urban sculpture has a wide range of subjects, which can be created and established by those who are related to the city's geographical characteristics, historical evolution, folklore, customs and habits.
The indoor and outdoor sculptures in the city, as well as the large-scale indoor and outdoor sculptures in memorial places, tourist areas, mausoleums, bridges, traffic arteries, shopping malls, hotels and other public places outside the city are all urban sculptures, which can also be called "public sculptures". In Japan, the United States and other countries, also known as landscape sculpture, environmental sculpture.
From another aspect, urban sculpture reflects the economic development and cultural development of a certain area. All over the world, commercial blocks, enterprise areas, residential communities, tourist scenic spots, airports, wharves and so on, all kinds of sculpture landscapes adjust the atmosphere of architectural space. In addition to a certain number of large-scale commemorative sculptures, more small and medium-sized urban sculptures are located in various parts of the city. Some of the sculptures have a certain significance of commemoration, but most of them are unique and charming creations. They reflect the cultural and spiritual world of the city from all aspects.


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