小狮子的放置要考虑到地貌地形 |
添加时间:2020/8/22 17:16:57 浏览次数: |
小狮子的放置要考虑到地貌地形 The placement of the little lion should consider the topography 放置小狮子雕像更关键的是要考虑到地貌地形。 It is more important to consider the topography when placing the lion statues. 通常情况下,放置的地区宜高不适合低,前边需有宽阔的室内空间。 Usually, the place should be high, not low, and there should be a wide interior space in front. 只能趾高气扬,小狮子雕像能够显示信息出非凡的气魄,具有了充足的室内空间,小狮子才有立足之地。 Can only stand tall, the little lion statue can show information, show extraordinary courage, with sufficient indoor space, the little lion has a foothold. 有的人将小狮子雕像摆在低陷、狭小的室内空间里,反倒产生“小狮子被困”的布局。 Some people put the statue of the little lion in a low-lying, narrow indoor space, but it has the layout of "little lion trapped". |
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