佛像雕塑的制作材料自其产生就有多种选择 |
添加时间:2022/4/25 16:40:39 浏览次数: |
佛像雕塑的制作材料自其产生就有多种选择:石材、木材质、陶土材质、金铜材质等。其中尤以金属材质为重。金属材质中绝大多数为铜质,也有少量的银质、金质以及铁质、锡质造像。这些金属在历史上同时是货币的制作材料,所以用金铜材质制成的佛像尤显珍贵。 There are many choices in the material of Buddha Statue Sculpture since it came into being: stone, wood, clay, gold and copper, etc. Among them, metal material is the most important. Most of the metal materials are copper, but there are also a small amount of silver, gold, iron and tin statues. These metals were also used in the making of money in history, so the Buddha statues made of gold and copper are especially precious |
上一页 铜雕塑制作手法一般分为锻铜和铸铜 |
下一页 放置小狮子雕像更关键的是要考虑到地貌地形。 |
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