小狮子的放置要考虑到地貌地形 |
添加时间:2022/5/26 14:56:26 浏览次数: |
铜狮子若为阳宅风水开运化煞挡灾 If the bronze lion is a Yang house 1、 小狮子的放置要考虑到地貌地形 1. The lion cubs should be placed in consideration of the landform 放置小狮子雕像更关键的是要考虑到地貌地形。钢制闸门 钢坝 保定轻钢别墅 保定平面设计培训 保定室内设计培训 保定办公家具 保定空调维修 The key to placing the lion statues is to consider the landform. 通常情况下,放置的地区宜高不适合低,前边需有宽阔的室内空间。 In general, the place should be high rather than low, and there should be wide indoor space in front. 只能趾高气扬,小狮子雕像能够显示信息出非凡的气魄,具有了充足的室内空间,小狮子才有立足之地。 Only when the statue of the little lion can display information and show extraordinary spirit, can it have a foothold with sufficient indoor space. 有的人将小狮子雕像摆在低陷、狭小的室内空间里,反倒产生“小狮子被困”的布局。 Some people put the statue of the little lion in the low and narrow indoor space, but the layout of "the little lion is trapped" is created. 2、放到与屋宅五行属性相符合方向 2. Put it in the direction consistent with the five elements of the house 小狮子在居家风水中属乾卦,居西北方五行属水,因而一般而言小狮子摆在西北方最能充分发挥作用。一起西方国家也合适放置小狮子。但也不以为然,标准就是说要实际与放置的屋宅五行生克为宜。当代住房如碰到路面直充,楼角相对性等不良影响状况时,可放置小狮子雕像多方面阻拦。如不利条件来源于北方地区,可在北方地区放置石狮、玉狮;如来源于西方国家,可在西方国家放置红狮;如来源于中国南方,可在中国南方放置黑狮;如来源于修真,可在修真放置铜狮、白狮等。 The little lion belongs to qiangua in geomantic omen, and the five elements in Northwest China belong to water, so generally speaking, the little lion in Northwest China can give full play to its role. A western country is also suitable to place a lion cub. But I don't think so. The standard is that the actual house and the five elements should be the same. Contemporary housing, such as direct charging on the road, the relativity of the corner and other adverse effects, can be placed in many ways to block the statue of the little lion. If the unfavorable conditions come from the northern region, stone lions and jade lions can be placed in the northern region; If the Tathagata originated from western countries, red lions can be placed in western countries; If the Tathagata originated from southern China, black lions can be placed in southern China; The Tathagata originated from Xiuzhen, and bronze lions and white lions can be placed in Xiuzhen. 3、 狮头冲外 3. The lion heads out 狮很凶狠,邪气偏重,风水摆设用于阻拦邪灵地狱恶鬼入屋,因而狮头宜向房外。 The lion is very fierce and evil. Feng shui ornaments are used to prevent evil spirits from entering the house, so the lion's head should be outside the house. |
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下一页 摆放狮子塑像更重要的是要考虑地形地势 |
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