摆放铜狮子有哪些功效? |
添加时间:2023/5/15 13:51:52 浏览次数: |
摆放铜狮子有哪些功效? What are the effects of copper lions? 摆放铜狮子的功效 The efficacy of bronze lions 1、可以带来祥瑞之气、辟邪 1, can bring auspicious gas, evil 在我国,古人认为狮子不但可以辟邪,而且可以带来祥瑞之气。狮文化和堪舆文化结合产生了一种形象威严的镇宅之宝——各种材质、形态各异的狮子塑像。它不仅出现在宫殿衙署、大户人家的门外,一些寺庙道观的门口、陵墓前、大桥上,也摆放一双威风凛凛的狮子塑像。 In China, the ancients believed that the lion can ward off evil, and can bring the auspicious gas. Lion culture and Fengshui culture combine to produce a dignified image of the great treasure of all kinds of material, different forms of the statue of a lion. It is not only in the office, the family outside the palace, some Taoist temple, the tomb door, on the bridge, also placed a pair of majestic-looking lion statue. 2、权威的象征,旺权贵 2, the symbol of authority, Wang Quangui 古代官府和大户人家是社会的统治阶级和贵族阶层,狮子在百兽中占着至高无上的地位,狮子塑像也成了权威的象征。官府门外的狮子塑像也当起了“官”。在宫殿左边的狮子代表“太师”,这是朝廷中最高的官阶;右边的狮子代表“少保”,是皇太子的侍卫。去过北京故宫的人都知道,太和殿前有一对堪称狮子之魁的青铜狮子,它宏伟高大,铸造精美。 A large family of ancient official and social ruling class and aristocracy, occupying the supreme position in the lion beasts, statue of a lion has become a symbol of authority. Outside the government authorities, the lion statue also became a "official"". In the palace on the left side of the lion "Taishi", this is the highest rank of the court; on the right side of the lion "Paul", is the crown prince's bodyguard. Have been to Beijing the Imperial Palace knows that a lion called Taihe Temple Quebec bronze lion, it is tall and magnificent, exquisite casting. 3、镇宅化煞、旺权助运 3, the home town of evil, Wang rights to help transport 狮子在中国是一种被赋予了神奇力量的灵兽,它和麒麟一起成为中国的灵兽。该款狮子为精黄铜精雕而成,狮子昂首挺胸,气势雄伟。主要作用为化煞挡灾,是镇宅化煞、旺权助运之宝器,对事业财运大有帮助。在我国的民间有这样的说法:“摸摸狮头,万事不愁”。 The lion is a kind of magical beast in Chinese, and it has become Chinese kylin beast. The lion is fine brass carved into the magnificent lions go with head high and chest out. The main function of brake block a disaster, is the home town of evil, Wang rights to help transport the treasure, to help the cause of wealth. There is such a saying in China: "folk touch the lion's head, don't worry". 4、化煞、助于生财 4, turn evil and help make money 摆放铜狮子能解除多种形煞,亦加强官威或屋主之阳气,如果窗口见到不利之冲克,可放一对石狮面向口可化煞,且有生权之意。凡是以口维生之行业,如律师、艺员等,可在办公室内摆放一对声威,有助于生财。 The bronze lion can relieve many kinds of evil spirits, and also strengthen the Yang Qi of the official Wei or the owner of the house. If the window sees the adverse impact, it can put a pair of stone lions facing the mouth, and they can become angry and have the right to be born. All living in the mouth of the profession, such as lawyers, artists and so on, can be placed on a map in the office, contribute to the business. 二、铜狮子的摆设 Two, copper lion furnishings 1、狮子宜放在西北方 1 lions should be placed in the Northwest 这是因为狮子一是从西域传入中国,所以西北方是它最活跃的地方,占了地利;二是因为狮子属乾卦,居西北方,五行属金,故此狮子(尤其是铜狮或是金狮)摆放在西北方,最能发挥它的功效。同时西方也适合摆放狮子。 This is because the lion is introduced into China from the western regions, so the northwest is the most active, accounting for geography; two is because the lion is reading, North West, five line of gold, so the lion (especially lion or lion) placed in the northwest, most can play its effect. At the same time, the west is also suitable for lions. 2、狮头必须向屋外 2, must head to the outside 狮很凶猛,煞气较重,风水布局用来阻止邪魔鬼怪入屋,因此狮头宜向屋外。若是摆在窗口,狮头亦一定要向着窗外。 The lion is very fierce, Shaqi heavier, Feng Shui layout is used to prevent the evil spirits in the house, so the lion should to the outside. If placed in the window, also must head to the window. 3、狮头大门可挡煞 3, Lion Gate block evil 狮子多用来化解屋外的凶煞,故此若不能在大门摆放石狮来坐镇,那便可在大门上加上一金属狮头,那亦可起到挡煞之效。 The lion used to resolve outside of the demon, so if not placed in the door to Shishi sits, it can add a metal head in the door, it can also play a block evil effect. 左边是雄狮右边是雌狮左边的狮子是泥杆 保定古筝 塑料增韧剂 拱形护坡模具 保定空调维修 托辊生产线雄狮,用右爪戏弄绣球,象征权威,右边的狮子是雌狮,用左爪戏弄小狮,象征代代相传。 On the left is right is a lion on the left side of the lion is a lion, with the right paw on Hydrangea, a symbol of authority, the right side of the lion is a lioness, left claw tease Lioncel, symbol of be handed down from age to age. |
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