古时候为了能够辟l邪就会在屋子里面绝命的地方专门放上这样一个铜狮 |
添加时间:2018/3/20 14:16:42 浏览次数: |
In ancient times, in order to provide l evil in the house will dead place specifically put on such a lion. There are two lions in the doorway of some old houses. Of course, the ordinary family is basically the most common stone lion, the lion's purchase cost is lower, the pure copper lion is made, and the ordinary family can bear it. Now some villas will still have such lions at the door, this time is the use of copper lions. Such lions are basically made of pure copper, and the price will not be very high. In order to protect all the people in the family, people of Changde copper lion try to make their homes full of money and bronze lions, so they will put two lions on the door. This is the door guard Shuangshi you said. |
上一页 铜狮子的摆放要考虑地形地势 |
下一页 “风水狮”是雌雄成对,铜狮子价格,摆设时将雄狮子置于狮子自身方向的左方 |
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