装饰性雕塑 |
添加时间:2019/8/7 15:46:00 浏览次数: |
装饰性雕塑是城市雕塑中数量比较大的一个类型,这一类雕塑 Decorative sculpture is a relatively large number of urban sculptures, this kind of sculpture 台湾的各种装饰性雕塑台湾的各种装饰性雕塑 Various decorative sculptures in Taiwan 比较轻松、欢快 ,带给人美的享受,也被称之为雕塑小品。这里专门把它作为一类来提出,是因为它在人们的生活中越来越重要。它的主要目的就是美化你的生活空间,它可以小到一个生活用具,大到街头雕塑。所表现的内容极广,表现形式也多姿多彩。它创造一种舒适而美丽的环境,可净化人们的心灵,陶冶人们的情操,培养人们对美好事物的追求。我们平时所说的园林小品大多都是这类雕塑。 More relaxed, happy, bring people the enjoyment of beauty, also known as sculpture sketches. It is proposed here as a special category because it is becoming more and more important in people's lives. Its main purpose is to beautify your living space. It can be as small as a living appliance and as large as street sculpture. The content is very wide and the forms of expression are colorful. It creates a comfortable and beautiful environment, can purify people's soul, cultivate people's sentiment, and cultivate people's pursuit of beautiful things. Most of the garden sketches we usually talk about are such sculptures. |
上一页 西方雕塑与中国雕塑的区别 |
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