所谓浮雕是雕塑与绘画结合的产物 |
添加时间:2019/9/4 14:40:36 浏览次数: |
所谓浮雕是雕塑与绘画结合的产物,一般是附属在另一平面上的,因此在建筑上使用更多,用具器物上也经常可以看到。由于其压缩的特性,所占空间较小,所以适用于多种环境的装饰。它在城市美化环境中占了越来越重要的地位。浮雕在内容、形式和材质上与圆雕一样丰富多彩。 The so-called relief is the product of the combination of sculpture and painting, which is usually attached to another plane. Therefore, it is used more in architecture and can be seen on utensils. Because of its compression characteristics, it occupies less space, so it is suitable for decoration in a variety of environments. It occupies an increasingly important position in urban beautification environment. Relief is as rich and colorful as round sculpture in content, form and material. 它主要有神龛式、高浮雕、浅浮雕、线刻、镂空式等几种形式。 It mainly has the form of shrine, high relief, shallow relief, line engraving, hollow-out and so on. 我国古代的石窟雕塑可归结为神龛雕塑,根据造型手法的不同,又可分为写实性、装饰性和抽象性。 Ancient grotto sculpture in China can be summed up as shrine sculpture. According to different sculpting techniques, it can be divided into realism, decoration and abstraction. 高浮雕是指压缩小,起伏大,接近圆雕,甚至半圆雕的一种形式,这种浮雕明暗对比强烈,视觉效果突出。 High relief refers to a form of small compression, big fluctuation, close to circular carving, or even semi-circular carving. This kind of relief has strong contrast between light and shade, and its visual effect is prominent. 浅浮雕压缩大,起伏小,它既保持了一种建筑式的平面性,又具有一定的体量感和起伏感。 The shallow relief is large in compression and small in fluctuation. It not only keeps a kind of architectural planarity, but also has a certain sense of volume and fluctuation. 线刻是绘画与雕塑的结合,它靠光影产生,以光代笔,甚至有一些微妙的起伏,给人一种淡雅含蓄的感觉。 Line engraving is the combination of painting and sculpture. It is produced by light and shadow, replacing pen with light, and even has some subtle fluctuations, giving people a kind of elegant and implicit feeling. |
上一页 铜雕文化的发展 |
下一页 铜雕的铸造方法主要有两种 |
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